Is Harry L winning this challenge?

Or can you beat him… there’s still plenty of time left…

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and we’re 9 days into the Waistline Challenge

…where guys are competing to shed the most fat in 21 days…

And I wanted to share a new message I got recently from one Challenge participant, Harry L., who says:

“I’m sending the following Excel spreadsheet to show you my regimen and progress…

…I’ve lost over 4″ on my waist…

I had dieted before and lost some weight, but not inches.

What I like about your approach is the loss of inches and fat in my upper body (where I carry a bunch!).

You can use this info, but please withhold my last name. Thank you.”

Way to go Harry! That’s incredible. Keep it up and you may be the grand winner.

And hey, if you’re competing against Harry — don’t give up…

The grand winner is getting a super valuable gift — 6 months of free personalized coaching from me, Matt Cook!

And remember — any man who participates in this 21-Day Waistline challenge is getting a fabulous prize.

So the worst thing that could happen is you lose… but you really win because you lose fat and you get a prize for participating.

So go ahead and join us in the 21-Day Waistline Challenge.

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Just go here to Challenge Central and comment if you want to join, so I can mark you down on my list.

You’ll simply post updates and proof of your progress there along the way, and I’ll pick the winner in a couple weeks.

Good luck to all those competing — keep up the good work!


–Matt Cook