I hope you join me
Hey, Matt Cook here, and what if you could reverse your diabetes symptoms and get perfect blood sugar…
…without Big Pharma treatments, without insulin…
…without any restrictive dieting or crazy workout plan…
Is it possible?
Well in my 25 years of being a men’s health researcher, I’ve helped more than 80,000 men get better health and sex lives…
And many of these men — thousands of these men — have been diabetic or struggling with blood sugar problems.
Men like Mark M. who wrote to me saying:
Together we used natural methods to reverse his diabetes symptoms, lower blood sugar, and get off the pills with his doctor’s blessing…
And now Mark M. is writing to me again:
And if it’s possible for men like Mark, why not you?
Recently, I’ve discovered that 99% of the so-called “gurus” are flat dead wrong about diabetes…
The so-called gurus are telling men to avoid sugar and burn more fat — and that is precisely what men are doing.
They are doing keto.
They are doing low carb, high fat diets.
They are trying like crazy to burn fat…
…and they are getting more sick, more flaccid, more flabby…
That’s when I realized there is a connection…
A fat-burning metabolism causes men to sport a flaccid flat tire, and a fat middle…
It causes blood sugar to pile up in the cells, it leads to widespread inflammation, and slows the metabolism down to a crawl…
And fat-burning ultimately leads to diabetes.
Because here’s what most doctors aren’t telling men about diabetes…
Diabetes is a disease where the cells are not able to properly burn sugar.
High blood sugar is actually a symptom of diabetes — not the cause.
And the reason for high blood sugar is because the cells aren’t using sugar for energy the way they should.
The cells can’t properly burn sugar for energy anymore, only fat.
And it’s worse when you wake up because the sugar is piling up in your bloodstream all night long.
This is what leads to prediabetes and diabetes.
So if you look at any diabetic person, you are looking at a fat-burning factory.
The solution is to kick start the body into burning sugar again…
And I believe I’ve found the easiest, most natural and effective way to do that.
I have perfected a quick and easy “sippy cup” protocol for men that kick starts the body into burning sugar for energy again…
So instead of sugar piling up in your bloodstream, it goes to work powering you up and enhancing your performance as a man…
…and blood sugar starts dropping on its own…
And all the annoying blood sugar symptoms you’ve been battling — like being tired all the time, feeling sluggish, fighting through brain fog…
…struggling in the bedroom…
All of it will finally start getting better. And you’ll start feeling better.
Often in as little as a few days.
And I’ve decided to share this sippy cup protocol with a small group of men who are serious about lowering blood sugar…
This is going to be super coach-y — very hands on, and every man should get amazing sugars working with me at their own pace.
This isn’t a bunch of videos — it’s one-on-one personalized help, anonymous and private but very interactive that I’m running with a small group of guys.
All using the new blood sugar breakthrough I’ve been teaching only recently.
Just reply to this email now with “I’m interested in the Blood Sugar Transformation case study,” and I will get you all the details.
If you’re interested, reply right now.
–Matt Cook