Complaints from an American patriot

This is how I am feeling nowadays

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’m a proud American patriot.

I love this country, and the opportunities it provides men like me to do what we love every day.

Yet in the greatest country on Earth, we can barely afford health care…

And that troubles me… because you’d think the goal for Big Medicine would be to come up with cures that cost very little…

But Big Medicine is a business after all. And businesses are about making money.

So now if you, God forbid, get diagnosed with cancer, chances are…

…you won’t be able to afford the treatments recommended by your doctor…

Newly approved cancer drugs cost an average of $283,000 annually, an increase of 53% from $185,620 in 2017.

I guess it’s silly of me to think that as medicine advances, it should get cheaper…

But I can’t help being disturbed by the fact that a whopping 12% to 62% of cancer survivors report being in debt because of their treatment.

It just isn’t fair.

And this is just one of the many reasons why I’m dedicating my life to sharing natural, cheap, healing remedies with men.

Remedies like this simple white powder that costs less than $5 at the store…

A powder that has the capabilities of shrinking tumors, oxygenating the cells, and making them more resistant to cancer…

This is something we all can afford — and it’s natural, safe, and you only need a pinch!

Here’s the simple white powder that can help prevent and treat cancer in men


–Matt Cook