Sadly, you’ll never hear this from your doctor…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and nitric oxide is supposedly the holy grail for men…
But in reality, it is associated with heart disease, stroke, cancer, and heart attacks…
I’ve found thousands of studies like this one that shows how nitric oxide harms testosterone and damages the testicles:
And like this one, that shows how nitric oxide causes sickness and death as it rises in the body:
And like this one, that shows nitric oxide leads to leaky blood vessels — bad news for the heart…
Yet Big Pharma keeps claiming nitric oxide is HEALTHY. And here’s why…
It turns out that a lot of their high dollar treatments contain or promote nitric oxide.
So Big Pharma started saying nitric oxide was GOOD for you because they wanted to increase sales.
And it worked.
But men are getting very sick from increased nitric oxide and suffering MORE heart attacks and strokes than ever.
Because the truth is: nitric oxide is designed as a last-ditch effort in your body to save cells and prevent death.
So forget nitric oxide…
Instead, all you need is this 90-second exercise that naturally prevents and stops heart attacks while giving blood flow a lift
I’m using this every day — and best of all, it’s free!
–Matt Cook