This is a game-changer for single guys
This is a message from our longtime friend and sponsor, Julian Foxx, for men who are single and looking for younger women to date (or just take home for the night)…
Want to know how to spot Lolitas-in-waiting?
To know which girls are down for a nice, older guy like you, so you don’t waste your time talking to girls you have no chance with?
Just look for these 3 clues that she’s into older guys…
Clue #1: She looks rebellious
The more she looks like she’s trying to rebel against society, the higher your chances of banging her.
Because what could be more rebellious and taboo than doing a guy 3 times her age?
Tattoos, unusual piercings, and the gothic look are all great indicators for this…
Basically anything that cries out for attention and says she’s not mainstream is a golden sign.
It may seem cliche, but it really works.

Is your gut making you sick?
Believe it or not, bacteria in your gut can weigh about 3 pounds — roughly the same weight as your brain.
In fact, you have so many intestinal microbes (10 trillion or so), scientists consider them a “forgotten organ” — one they call your microbiome.
And out-of-control inflammation in these gut bacteria — what I call “fire in the belly” — can be responsible for up to 90% of the diseases we face today…
Like arthritis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, even cancer…
Here’s how to protect yourself from “fire in the belly”

Do you know how to survive in a world without antibiotics?
If not, don’t worry. Because you’re about to discover…
- …the #1 culprit in this antibiotic resistant plague (hint: it’s NOT doctors overprescribing antibiotic drugs)…
- A simple plant extract proven superior to tetracycline and vancomycin in a full scientific trial…
- This study reported in Annals of Internal Medicine showed that only 57% of doctors wash their hands between patients (wonder why you need to start protecting yourself?)…
- A form of light that kills just about any bug, is cheap and FDA approved, and yet you’ve probably never heard of it…
- Simple ways to strengthen your immune system naturally and affordably, so you can repel microbial invasion…
- A natural antibiotic that comes from the ocean — and had already saved hundreds of thousands of lives before the era of modern antibiotic drugs…
