She will never hook up with a man who sends her this
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and over the last 12 years, I’ve helped thousands of men find attractive girlfriends and even wives.
And I’ve found that texting is a huge part of the modern day dating game…
And if you’re texting a woman the wrong way, you’re pretty much nixing any chance you have at getting into her pants.
That’s why I’ve been working with world famous dating coach Jonathan Green to give you some of our very best tips for texting a woman.
For instance, there’s 1 big mistake that guys are constantly making when texting with a woman…
And it never leads to sex. It may lead to a date or two, but never to sex.
And so many guys are doing this. It’s a trap that we all fall into when dating a girl.
But I’m going to show you how to avoid it. And how just 1 text can get a girl into your bed that very same night.
Here’s why this 3-day text method works so well (Hint: it has to do with the weird way women get horny)
–Matt Cook