Do you know these Low T Syndrome facts?
Low T Syndrome is caused by the twin evils of internal inflammation, and high estrogen levels.
The result is that a man’s testosterone levels rise and more importantly, the USABLE TESTOSTERONE levels surge.
A man can have perfectly normal blood testosterone levels and still have Low T Syndrome.
That’s because it isn’t how MUCH testosterone your blood has in it that counts…it what your body is DOING with the testosterone you DO have.
And men with Low T Syndrome almost 100% suffer from not USING their testosterone properly.
So even if they get extra testosterone supplements, their bodies STILL have Low T Syndrome.
In fact, supplements of testosterone can make things WORSE for men with Low T Syndrome.
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Low T Syndrome means falling testosterone levels, and rising estrogen levels

Testosterone + Aromatase = Estrogen
Aromatase is the chemical factory in men that turns testosterone in the body into Estrogen.
The more testosterone supplementation a man receives, the higher his estrogen levels, quite often.
Estrogen is a sex hormone that both men and women need. But men often have SKY HIGH estrogen levels, especially the potent Estradiol form of estrogen.
Of couse, doctors know this, and so they often prescribe “estrogen blockers.” But those blockers have a set of their OWN problems.
That’s why testosterone gels and injections frequently backfire. The body’s aromatase converts the extra testosterone into estrogen!

Low T Syndrome Lowers Sexual Performance
Men suffering from poor erections or going soft often think, and quite rightly, that their testosterone levels are out of whack.
But when they get extra testosterone, they find that it doesn’t help!
Because testosterone by itself doesn’t fix bad erections!
What does fix erection quality is often BOTH lowering estrogen levels, AND raising testosterone.
Great erections can happen when a man gets Low T Syndrome fixed
Therefore, when a guy has fixed Low T Syndrome, he can perform better than he did when he was a young man…because he’s got much more even stamina and can out-screw a younger man time and time again…who knew?
Prostate problems are not a natural part of getting older. In fact, a guy shouldn’t even hear from his prostate. A guy doesn’t need pills or surgery to have a good prostate — fixing Low T Syndrome often fixes prostate problems, too.
And here’s good news if you suffer from visceral fat, fat around your belly, the most medically dangerous fat of all.
Good news for getting rid of unsightly and unhealthy belly fat
Men who fix their Low T Syndrome will find they have normal appetites for food, and no longer want to eat too much. No weird diets, no being hungry.
In a few weeks, they often find they have lost an inch or more around their middle. Men often report they can reach a waist size that they haven’t had in years, even decades.
Because men with healthy high T levels don’t have dangerous levels of belly fat. Belly fat is one of the biggest symptoms of Low T Syndrome, and when you fix Low T Syndrome, you fix belly fat.
How To Get Low T Syndrome fixed without pills
Rewind your testosterone levels to that of a much younger man
Fix the twin causes of Low T Syndrome through simple small changes in what you eat and how you exercise
Simple changes in what you do create enormous health benefits — but you won’t find these changes by listening to most of the so-called experts
Try out the system for a full 60 days without commitment
This is the life-changer you are looking for
Here’s what you get with Testosterone Rewind system

Module 1:
Why Testosterone Supplementation Often Fails
This is the killer way to raise your testosterone, fix bedroom performance, gain muscle and lose belly fat…so why are so many guys ending up with low testosterone levels?

Module 2:
How to get high T Levels Naturally
Fix the underlying cause of low testosterone with this simple easy system. Here’s why it works to fix the cause, and when you fix the cause, you don’t just get raging high T levels, you fix a lot of other problems including diabetes, high blood pressure and low sex drive.

Module 3:
The Seven Universal Truths About Testosteorne (that are all wrong)
These 7 testosterone-killing myths are dooming men to poor bedroom performance and terrible health. Here are the 7 great lies and the real truth — it will set you free to get your T levels sharply up as soon as tomorrow.

Module 4:
Eat As Much As You Want – And Lose Fat Effortlessly
Two core reasons that result in men exercising like crazy and not losing fat! Here is how you can eat however much you want, and not exercise like a fiend, and still get healthy and high testosterone levels — with muscle going along with it that will delight your wife or girlfriend even without long workouts

Module 5:
The true cause of low Testosterone — and How to Fix It Fast
Why low testosterone levels go along with ED, heart problems, diabetes, even cancer…and how to raise your T levels and get rid of a host of other problems at the same time — become a new man inside and out…why this method lowers stress, lowers anxiety and makes confidence skyrocket.

Module 6:
The One Minute Method To Perfect T Levels
The difference between soaring T levels and that sinking “basement” feeling is in this simple one minute activity…and it doesn’t require any heavy lifting, strenuous workouts or weird diets…a revolution in skyrocking T levels.

Module 7:
The Quick Recipe for High Testosterone Levels
Here is the “cheat sheet” quick summary of what you need to start getting very high natural testosterone levels, build muscle, lose belly flab and gain motivation, confidence and sexual performance

Module 8:
Three Amazing Ninja Testosterone Liftoff Tricks
These three simple tricks can surge your testosterone within seconds for that boost when you really need it, whether in the bedroom or in the boardroom.

Module 9:
T Raising Sex Tricks
Does ejaculation raise or lower T levels? Is there a secret to using sex to raise testosterone? And how can you improve your performance while raising your T levels with everyone’s favorite horizontal activity ?

Module 10:
The Quick Recipe for High Testosterone Levels
Here is the “cheat sheet” quick summary of what you need to start getting very high natural testosterone levels, build muscle, lose belly flab and gain motivation, confidence and sexual performance
Testosterone Rewind works — put it to work for you!

“Your site and programs changed my life.I am 59 years old and use Androgel for 2 years now, my doctor upped it up to 4 packages a day, but i really use only one,then she was told that T in the blood needs to be checked early in the morning before eating and mine is over 900.So the T level is not the problem as u wrote (in Testosterone Rewind) .I do take at night natural supplements you recommend, and I am very potent in the early mornings, and combining it with your “30 minutes or more” advice made a major change in my sex life, I am not worried no more if I enter Soft- it always is good now and gets hard and We Last now for 30 minutes easily,without the worries of hard erection or not. being married for 37 years now-we again have desire and it also cuts the complaints and nudging-exactly as u explained. Life is good now
Thanks again“
“ Hi, Just wanted to drop you a note and give you some feedback on your course. I have to honest, when I heard the cheesy commercials I was very skeptical. But I heard them on the Alex Jones broadcast on Infowars.com live feed, so thought I would check out the website. You know like most middle aged men ED was a serious problem, one you don’t discuss with people. I have tried the pills, shots, and pumps and they work but nothing is as good as good as when things are working they way they should naturally. I have been on Testosterone replacement treatment for 5 years. The only help I really got was when my T level was 900 -1,100. That caused problems for me, the Test caused my body to produce way to many red blood cells. So I had to cut back on the Test. Which was a big problem. I am also a Type-2 Diabetic and have high blood pressure issues. I am taking medication for both of these which made the problem worse.
So I decided to try your course. It was priced right and risk free so I tried it. It worked!! I couldn’t believe it. It has been about 6 weeks and I am as good new!! Who would ever think that doing simple and easy to do exercises would bring things back! After years of suffering with this problem, I would have never believed it could be so easy to fix!! Thanks!!
Ron S.
Matt, Thanks again for putting this information out there. I am NOT taking the shots anymore. I am slowly reaching my goal(s) through natural means. My testosterone has gone up and my estrogen has gone down. My weight has begun to come down as well. The walking and lifting weights, as well as not eating processed foods, has brought my weight down to 349 lbs. (in just 5 months) from 419 lbs. I can’t remember when I started not having morning erections but, it seems like I was in my mid-twenties and I have begun to have morning erections again. I have taken DIM before and probably will get some more, by the way, thanks for the calcium d-glucarate reference and keep up the good work.
Rob Wold
Your informative advice is greatly appreciated. Your writings identify specific deficiencies–and potential conflicts between physical sources–which most men know nothing about.Amazing that we are not told of these basics when we are young guys! It may be that women are much better educated on their hormonal systems and its interactions with other physical or environmental materials. I’ll be keeping up with your site and paying up with my next check from work.

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